
Showing posts from 2016

Milestones, Mountains, and Questions--Is My Faith Being Tested?

"Real faith cannot be reduced to spiritual bromides and merchandised success stories. It is refined in the fires and storms of pain." -Eugene H. Peterson, The Message//Remix Have you ever asked yourself, "Why am I doing this?" I have done everything that I was supposed to do, and yet, here I am, struggling through trials. If I am doing what I am supposed to, if I'm living the right way, if I'm "fighting the good fight," then why do I experience trials? Am I doing something wrong? The answer is no. The calling and purpose of our lives cannot be vanquished by issues so insignificant. We are not just human beings muddling through the problems of life, merely trying to "get through." No. We are called to live victoriously, to call attention not to ourselves in these times, but instead bearing witness to the One who sustains and enables us to not just survive, but thrive. Because our trials and struggles ar

The Imitation Game: A Lesson In Respecting Yourself

Have you ever seen  Penelope ? If not, let me summarize it for you. An affluent family is cursed, a girl is stuck with the face of a pig, and only some kind of "true love" will save her and lift the curse. Predictably, this doesn't work (shocking, I know). Instead, Penelope (pig-faced girl) takes advantage of the situation, ventures out into the world that she had been barred from, and surprisingly finds some acceptance. Spoiler alert: Do you want to know how the curse actually gets lifted? My favorite line from the movie ensues, as Penelope, arguing that she doesn't need a man, or a normal face, to live happily, yells,  "I like myself the way that I am!" Culturally, this is the message that is preached to us over and over again, from  JCPenney commercials , to political platforms. But, we are definitely not practicing what we preach. I thought that I was quite grown and mature from where I had been even a mere year ago. I still believe that I

I've Done Everything Wrong: A Confession in Favor of Singleness

To be single is to be unfulfilled in the eyes of society, in the eyes of a church or religion, and oftentimes in the eyes of your family. If you don't have a significant other, if you are not in the process of a relationship, if you are not married by a certain age, then what are you really doing with your life, right? I mean, you cannot really  be considered an adult until you're married. That's just common sense, surely. Obviously, you are not complete until you have someone. You will only be able to accomplish half of what you are capable of, because you need someone else. The verse that I have seen quoted hundreds of times in terms of relationships is Genesis 2:18 , in which God explains that it is "not good for man to be alone." But singleness is not a punishment.  Should I repeat this line several thousand times? Because most of you just don't seem to get this. It's not some sentence to carry out in martyrdom. It's

Clean Slates and Coffee Dates

Psalm 19:13 (MSG)- "Clean the slate, God, so we can start the day fresh! Keep me from stupid sins, from thinking I can take over your work; Then I can start this day sun-washed, scrubbed clean of the grime of sin." I came across this verse not too long ago while I was reading through the Book of Psalms (for what felt like the 8,000 time, but hey, new revelations every time!) and saw that I had written next to it- "As much as I've foolishly tried, I can accomplish NOTHING (yes, big, bold letters and all) without you." I chuckled. I chuckled again while reading it in this tiny Starbucks. However, I didn't chuckle because I thought that this sentiment was ridiculous, or untrue-- I chuckled because this verse, this sentiment quite neatly encompasses my most prevalent struggle with God. I know, logically, that I can accomplish "NOTHING" without him. But, the real question is, do I always believe it? Forgive me if I

Take Courage, Be Strong

Do you know what I love about the book of Deuteronomy? In nearly every chapter, the words, "Be strong. Take courage. I will be with you wherever you go," or some variation, are present. These same words are repeated throughout the Book of Joshua, reminding us constantly of God's unfailing presence. Why is it, then, that we ask, "Where are you, God?" When times become turbulent, or the troubles of life seem to overwhelm us, we always seem to believe that God, OUR God, has abandoned us. We ask, "Why, God, why have you forsaken us?" questioning his plans, verily accusing him of being a liar. Because he promised that he would be with us wherever we go, and he's not here now, so the only possible conclusion is that he must have lied to us... Right? "Be strong. Take courage. You will lead the People of Israel in to the land I promised to give them. And I'll be right there with you." These are the words that the Lord speak

"If You Don't Know What You're Doing, Pray To The Father..."

I had something entirely different written for this week. It was a completely different post, filled with finished thoughts and a multitude of verses regarding obedience. But, there's something essential going on right now, right at this very moment. It is a true matter of life and death. What do you believe? I am not asking in order to push. I am not asking in order to illicit a debate, or discussion. I merely want you to ask yourself, "What do I believe?" In my case, I believe in the power of prayer. I believe in the power of healing. I believe that all things can be done through He who strengthens me. But I also believe in a perfect will for our lives. I believe that I could be gone from this Earth tomorrow, and have had no idea beforehand. I believe that I must hope and have faith, for that is all that is in my own control. I believe that God can use us as His vessels, no matter what our stories are. I believe in what James says in Chapter 1:5-8

Every Chance (Mark 10:23-27)

Mark 10:23-27- Looking at his disciples, Jesus said, "Do you have any idea how difficult it is for people who 'have it all' to enter God's kingdom?"  The disciples couldn't believe what they were hearing, but Jesus kept on: "You can't imagine how difficult. I'd say it's easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for the rich to get into God's kingdom."  That set the disciples back on their heels. "Then who has any chance at all?" they asked.  Jesus was blunt: "No chance at all if you think you can pull it off by yourself. Every chance in the world if you let God do it."  There are so many times in our lives when we mistakenly believe that our salvation is a product of what WE can do.  Yes, we know better, know that we were saved by grace and not works, but we act as though it is OUR sole responsibility to get to a place in which we can be righteous in God's eyes.  We live in a cul