Clean Slates and Coffee Dates

Psalm 19:13 (MSG)- "Clean the slate, God, so we can start the day fresh! Keep me from stupid sins, from thinking I can take over your work; Then I can start this day sun-washed, scrubbed clean of the grime of sin."

I came across this verse not too long ago while I was reading through the Book of Psalms (for what felt like the 8,000 time, but hey, new revelations every time!) and saw that I had written next to it-

"As much as I've foolishly tried, I can accomplish NOTHING (yes, big, bold letters and all) without you."

I chuckled.

I chuckled again while reading it in this tiny Starbucks.

However, I didn't chuckle because I thought that this sentiment was ridiculous, or untrue-- I chuckled because this verse, this sentiment quite neatly encompasses my most prevalent struggle with God.

I know, logically, that I can accomplish "NOTHING" without him.

But, the real question is, do I always believe it?

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I do not think that I am the first person in the history of creation to struggle with this disbelief.

Even those that don't profess any religious belief tout the mantra of starting each day "fresh." 

"Don't worry about tomorrow!"

"Live in the moment!"

Any of those sound familiar? They do to me. Everyone wants to have a chance at a new beginning, a chance to not let the mistakes of their past taint their futures.

With God, we have that chance! It is amazing! His grace and power allow us to be "scrubbed clean" of sin!

But, how many of us actually take advantage of this "amazing" opportunity, this chance to begin again?

Because every day is a new chance, a new beginning, a new opportunity to shine with God's love for us and extend and share that love with others! Yet, how many of us get bogged down by "off" days? Days where you've worried incessantly ('cause I hate to break it to your, but worry is a sin), days where you've raised your voice at the people you loved, days where you've doubted God's plan and purpose for you, doubted that He could really take care of you like He's promised.

Better to go it alone, right?

But, if God, our God and Heavenly Father, truly wants the best for us, truly wants to forgive us each and every day, then why wouldn't He have a plan in mind for us? Wouldn't this plan be the best plan, a plan that couldn't possibly be marred by a slew of "off" days? 

God doesn't care how many off days we have (thankfully!). He wants us to be able to start each day, restored, refreshed, and renewed by Him, and Him alone.

"How can I possibly do that?" you may ask.

Simple. Start your day with a coffee date.

With God.

Talk to Him, journal your prayers, do a devotional, read your Bible, frankly, I do not care-- anything that you can do to spend time with Him. He wants to hang out with us, listen to how our days are going, talk us through our problems, everything! He really, truly cares. While we sometimes erroneously profess to be too busy for Him, He is never to busy for us.

That is why my prayer for today is this:

God, thank you so much blessing me with the opportunity to wake up every day to a new beginning and a fresh start. Thank you for not letting the mistakes of yesterday ruin the victories of today. Please allow me to remember this promise of renewal every time I am tempted to worry, to doubt, to stress out over the details of yesterday. Help me to live my life in your presence and not drowning in the worries of the world. Help me to have the joy and peace of you in my every moment, spilling over, so that I can share these gifts with everyone. Not my will, but yours be done.



  1. Wow that is awesome! It helps me a lot to read that because lately I have actually been struggling in trusting God. Knowing that he has a plan for me and that the plan he is for me is the right one!, and now I feel the weight of that gone! It feels a lot better going through the week and life knowing that there is a plan for me and know that God has my back through it all!!


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