"If You Don't Know What You're Doing, Pray To The Father..."

I had something entirely different written for this week. It was a completely different post, filled with finished thoughts and a multitude of verses regarding obedience.

But, there's something essential going on right now, right at this very moment.

It is a true matter of life and death.

What do you believe?

I am not asking in order to push. I am not asking in order to illicit a debate, or discussion. I merely want you to ask yourself, "What do I believe?"

In my case, I believe in the power of prayer.

I believe in the power of healing.

I believe that all things can be done through He who strengthens me.

But I also believe in a perfect will for our lives. I believe that I could be gone from this Earth tomorrow, and have had no idea beforehand. I believe that I must hope and have faith, for that is all that is in my own control.

I believe that God can use us as His vessels, no matter what our stories are.

I believe in what James says in Chapter 1:5-8, which explains,

"If you don't know what you're doing, pray to the Father. He  loves to help. You'll get his help, and won't be condescended. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought."

James challenged us to ask God for help, challenged us to rely on Him in this way, for we do not have the answers.

But He does.

I believe that there is a time for healing and life in abundance and that time is now.

I believe that God can show us His power, no matter what the circumstances prevent, no matter how insurmountable our challenges seem to be.

If you believe that He can do what He says He can, please pray this with me now:

Dear Heavenly Father, I lift up my hands to you in an act of surrender, surrendering my life from my control, believing that it is your will that will govern me, not mine. I pray for healing, particularly for Cooper Owen, whom I know for a fact that you love more than life itself. I pray and believe for supernatural healing over his body, healing that can only be explained as miraculous, because you are, and always have been THE God of miracles, THE God all-mighty, THE God who is our deliverer. I pray for peace and comfort, and above all I pray because I don't know what I'm doing, so I am choosing to trust in you. Please bring complete and utter healing, and banish sickness from every cell in his body.




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