
Showing posts from June 5, 2016

Take Courage, Be Strong

Do you know what I love about the book of Deuteronomy? In nearly every chapter, the words, "Be strong. Take courage. I will be with you wherever you go," or some variation, are present. These same words are repeated throughout the Book of Joshua, reminding us constantly of God's unfailing presence. Why is it, then, that we ask, "Where are you, God?" When times become turbulent, or the troubles of life seem to overwhelm us, we always seem to believe that God, OUR God, has abandoned us. We ask, "Why, God, why have you forsaken us?" questioning his plans, verily accusing him of being a liar. Because he promised that he would be with us wherever we go, and he's not here now, so the only possible conclusion is that he must have lied to us... Right? "Be strong. Take courage. You will lead the People of Israel in to the land I promised to give them. And I'll be right there with you." These are the words that the Lord speak