Take Courage, Be Strong

Do you know what I love about the book of Deuteronomy?

In nearly every chapter, the words, "Be strong. Take courage. I will be with you wherever you go," or some variation, are present.

These same words are repeated throughout the Book of Joshua, reminding us constantly of God's unfailing presence.

Why is it, then, that we ask, "Where are you, God?"

When times become turbulent, or the troubles of life seem to overwhelm us, we always seem to believe that God, OUR God, has abandoned us. We ask, "Why, God, why have you forsaken us?" questioning his plans, verily accusing him of being a liar.

Because he promised that he would be with us wherever we go, and he's not here now, so the only possible conclusion is that he must have lied to us...


"Be strong. Take courage. You will lead the People of Israel in to the land I promised to give them. And I'll be right there with you."

These are the words that the Lord speaks to Joshua in Deuteronomy 31:23, passing on the torch of leadership from Moses to him. If I were Joshua, I would have been thrilled! I have God's favor, and He's going to give me and my people the land of our dreams, the very deepest desires of our hearts? Amazing! Let's do this!

But then there are some ever-so-slight hang-ups with this purportedly perfect plan:

1. Moses, Joshua's mentor, and Israel's (usually) beloved leader, dies.

Bam. Strike one.

2. The way into the land of Canaan, a.k.a. the Promised Land, is blocked by a highly fortified city, guarded by MASSIVE stone walls. Is there any way around it? Nope.

Should we even wait for a Strike three to manifest? I say we cut our losses and run now.

But it's okay, because God promised (Joshua 1:5), "In the same way I was with Moses, I'll be with you. I won't give up on you; I won't leave you. Strength! Courage!"

So, everything should be fine then, right? God is with him, he has a plan, and he is not going to forsake him. They'll probably just march in, have supernatural strength to defeat their enemies, and finally get to live in the Promised Land. End of story.

But, no, not really.

Because then God asks Joshua to do something completely insane.

March everyone around this walled city once every day for six days. Then, on the seventh day, make a ton of noise, the walls will collapse, and *BAM!* the city will be yours.

Sounds like a plan, right?


People doubted Joshua left and right! Pfft, as if God was going to make a 60,000-ton wall magically fall to the ground. Who did he think he was? The Creator of the Universe?

God had obviously abandoned them.

"Where are you God?" they must have questioned, shaking their fists towards the heavens. "Why aren't you telling us where to go, and what to do with our lives? We need HELP!"

Any of this sound familiar?

It does to me.

Because there are innumerable times (like today) that I have asked God questions that I already know know the answers to.

The answers are just not the ones that I wanted to hear.

There are times that I have cried out to Him, "Where are you?" and He has replied, "I am right here."

Sometimes, we do not want God, our Savior, Lord, Protector, and Provider.

Sometimes we want God, the magician; the one that will magically make all of our problems disappear, never allowing uncertain circumstances to block our paths. Heaven forbid that we ever actually be forced to trust in Him.

But that is not God.

He calls us to believe, to have faith that He says what He means and means what He says.                

He calls us to be bold and courageous, because we have the God who created the Heavens and the Earth on our side, so whom shall we fear?

He calls us to trust Him above all, and obey Him, knowing that He knows what He is doing, even if we do not.

"So, how did Joshua's story end?" you may wonder.

With courage and obedience.

He trusted God, followed His instructions exactly, and it actually came to pass just as God said it would!

How crazy is that?

That is why my prayer today is this:

God, my Father, Provider, and Protector, give me the strength and courage to follow the plans that you have in store for me. Help me not to fall prey to doubts, doubts that your plan is anything but the best plan, doubts that you are not really with me. People are fallible, circumstances are not always certain, but you can always be relied upon. Thank you for giving your life for me and allowing me the gift to live life abundantly. Thank you, Father.



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